高级艺术展2016 -九


名人堂 is meant to provoke thought on how marginalized lives are valued in today’s society, to begin a dialogue about how entertainment affects society’s perception of young people of color. 通过使用交易卡和海报, my work shows how our society glorifies the lives of professional athletes, yet disregards the lives of the minorities who are not entertaining the country with lightning quick crossovers, back-breaking tackles 和 effortless home runs.

My current focus is dedicated to putting emphasis on race 和 its social ramifications. I’m interested in shining light on the effect race has on the public in regards to people consciously or unconsciously perpetuating the system of oppression. 在我最近的录像作品中, I’ve made spatially palpable the issues of being a black body within a post-slavery 和 post-largely oppressive environment of racial abuse, as well as the tensions formed through the process of racism being reconfigured 和 changing throughout the timeline of modern day. I’m committed to making predominantly white societies, 学校, 社区, 文化, work forces 和 institutions aware of these dislocations, highlighting issues that all too often remain unconscious.

I focused on the intersection between form 和 function in the automotive, 摩托车和飞机工业. I strive to define an adrenaline-filled 和 athletically stimulating lifestyle through my strategic use of stills 和 motion pictures. By playing with the language of mainstream advertising, I’ve created a body of work composed of stories that range from motor vehicle advertisements to character-driven documentaries. My final project looks at the militarization of our nation’s airports 和 urges viewers to question, “我们在保护什么?”

我在洛杉矶出生长大. While I have experimented with political subjects, I always seem to draw on personal experience. My intimate experiences are more compelling when expressed through the markings of my h和s 和 body. My subjects are personal, reflecting childhood 和 loss. 作为独生子女, I became accustomed to solitude 和 temporary periods of ab和onment, which carried on to my adulthood through my romantic relationships.

Connecting my artistic practice to my career goals as a veterinarian I bring my love of animals 和 biology into my drawings 和 paintings. My current work depicts animals typically perceived as inferior beings. Through illustrating “undesirable” animals at human scale 和 in vibrant color, I am trying to dismantle the anthropocentrism of the average viewer 和 have them underst和 these animals in a new way.

在创建艺术品时, 概念和信息永远是第一位的, long before I know what physical form it will take; while I’ve spent most of my time at Pitzer making drawings 和 videos, my final piece is an interactive performance piece. Inspired by innovative artists like Tino Sehgal, 阿布拉莫维奇和卡迪夫, my work explores communication by engaging the audience, challenging our tendency to avoid vulnerability by hiding behind digital walls.

我使用声音, film 和 performance as a means of exploring somatic representation of human relationships. My movement is deeply influenced by my study of the Alex和er Technique 和 inspired by the dynamic, 皮娜·鲍许的对抗舞蹈. Bell hooks has grounded the theory of relationship intentionality 和 loving in my work. My fluid sense of home began in Boston 和 has continued through Pittsburgh, 德国, 伊利诺斯州中部.

我使用工作室肖像摄影, combined with cyanotype or “sun” printing to create photographs that are about the attitudes college students have toward their surrounding material world. By involving peers in the sun printing process, my hope is that they will feel empowered to question 和 strengthen their own philosophy of objects 和, 这样做的时候, become better users 和 makers rather than buyers 和 consumers.

#takecareofyourself is an audience-driven installation that shows how different levels of balance 和 self control create an exploration of what is considered to be “healthy.” This installation is also a reflection for the audience to not forget to treat yourself. Treating yourself is the first step in taking care of yourself. So indulge to satisfy that sweet-tooth craving with the treats provided, enjoy.